Back in college,
when I still knew everything, I got blindsided with a truth that has stuck with
me all these years.
One of my
broadcasting classes was visited by the owner of a local radio station. During
our discussion he asked the question, “What do radio/TV stations sell?”
I immediately
began to channel my inner-Arnold Horshack, “Ooh, ooh, I know the answer, they
sell TIME!” I rested back in my chair with a smug grin on my face. I just knew
that he would be so impressed with my knowledge and rapid hand-raising skills
that he would give me a job. Boy, was I wrong.
He looked at me
as if he knew that someone in the class would say that. He had found his mark.
He trained his “bless his heart” smile in my direction. “No,” he said. “They
sell access to an audience.”
It made sense,
broadcasters sell buyers (advertisers) access to a specific audience for a
brief moment in time (usually 30 – 60 seconds). In fact, stations are usually
required to air “make goods” if not enough members of pre-defined specific
groups watch or listen to a program. (That is the whole reason for Neilsen and
Arbitron ratings to exist.) It is the access to the audience that is being
sold. This is also the driving force behind getting you to follow shows or
networks on social media sites.
It occurred to
me that when I watch “free” television, I am being sold! When you watch
television, you and your family, are being sold!
That is the
biggest difference between secular stations and Christian Television. We depend
on viewer support to help keep our costs down so that ministries have an
affordable option when considering their outreach goals. When you give to CTN,
you aren’t being sold, you are entering into a partnership. A partnership
forged out of a deep seated desire to see the Kingdom of God
expanded. I’m no rocket scientist but partnership sounds better than slavery.
And for those of you who don't know who Arnold Horshack is, check this out:
What bothers me is that most people don't realize what a wonderful thing Christian media is. They sometimes say things like " O that's just the Christian Station" as if it were an inferior product. A friend of mine once said, "Even the Christians are not going to miss their favorite prime time secular show." He was inferring that his churches program could not be on opposite the secular show because no one including the Christians would watch the church broadcast.. So lets support the things of God and the people of God so more opportunities will open up for the spread of the gospel. You have a treasure right in your community, Middle GA. and the world through the internet.. God Bless the workers in the field!